
Lilian Castillo
With more than 20 years of experience, Castillo is a Specialist in SME Business Development, International Speaker, who has advanced studies as a Social Communicator, Journalist, Marketer, Specialist in Occupational Health and Safety Risks, Business Administration, ISO 18000 Auditor, Specialist in Occupational Risks and Human Processes, ISO 18000 Auditor, Specialist in Occupational Risks and Human Processes, Impulses Businesses from various aspects from Business Consulting, Financial Growth, as an authorized OSHA Trainer (osha 10-30), Trainer of Federal Lead EPA RRP, Pro-Advisor Trainer of Quickbooks,
Authorized Red Cross First Aid and Cardiovascular Resuscitation Trainer, Trainer of the non-mandatory class of Home Improvement in the State of Maryland, Trainer of the Mandatory Contractor’s License of Contractor State of Virginia, among others Notary Public, also working in the area of Construction as a Minority Female and has additional licenses in that branch, is a licensed Home Improvement Contractor in the State of Maryland.

Recognition In The United States Congress, To Our President – Ceo Lilian Castillo For Her Work, In The United States. We are proud that among the recognized leaders is a woman from Barranquilla, Colombia.

Congressional Special – Recognition Certificate, June 15, 2023 Washington D.C